New research into the Acupuncture point Pericardium 6 “NeiGuan” concludes that it has a clear interaction with the brain and the body through functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). The study conducted at Harvard Medical School showed that, “The MRI imaging showed that true acupuncture yielded greater activity over sham acupuncture in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex of the brain. Real acupuncture produced significantly “greater activity in both cognitive/evaluative (posterior dmPFC) and emotional/interoceptive (anterior dmPFC) cortical regions” and the MRI results showed that true acupuncture “increased cognitive load.” [1] The continued research being done on the mind body connection and the efficacy of Acupuncture is truly showing the world what a great and safe form of therapy Acupuncture really is. The treatment of the many conditions that Acupuncture has and is proving to be effective for is growing with every study.
Acupuncture point P-6 NeiGuan is traditionally indicated for : “Heart pain, sudden Heart pain, stuffiness of the chest with agitation of the Heart, palpitations, pounding sensation of the Heart, disorders of Heart rate and rhythm, pain of the lateral costal region and Heart in women, pain of the lateral costal region, cough, asthma. Insomnia, mania, poor memory, apprehension, fear and fright, sadness, loss of memory and hypertension. Nausea, vomiting, hiccup, epigastric pain, stabbing epigastric pain, low-grade abdominal pain.” [2] The efficacy of this point has been proven with both scientific examination conducted through fMRI and patient feedback studies.
What this tells us is that modern research through the use of fMRI now concludes that the actual needling of P-6 does in fact have a reaction in the brain. Clinically we use this point to treat nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, motion sickness, anxiety, fear, and hypertension. I am always pleased when Sham Acupuncture is proven less effective that actually point located Acupuncture. There is a true mind body connection between Acupuncture points and there therapeutic functions in the body. It is true that we are really waiting for modern science to catch up to Acupuncture in its clinical ability to treat patience for specific ailments. This point has shown its efficacy through time and study. The greatness of this point is that you can treat yourself with Acupressure and elicit some of the same effects. Acupressure has not been shown to have the same efficacy however; it is still an effective point to massage for; Nausea related to pregnancy and motion sickness, anxiety and depression.
Acupuncture point P-6 NeiGuan is traditionally indicated for : “Heart pain, sudden Heart pain, stuffiness of the chest with agitation of the Heart, palpitations, pounding sensation of the Heart, disorders of Heart rate and rhythm, pain of the lateral costal region and Heart in women, pain of the lateral costal region, cough, asthma. Insomnia, mania, poor memory, apprehension, fear and fright, sadness, loss of memory and hypertension. Nausea, vomiting, hiccup, epigastric pain, stabbing epigastric pain, low-grade abdominal pain.” [2] The efficacy of this point has been proven with both scientific examination conducted through fMRI and patient feedback studies.
What this tells us is that modern research through the use of fMRI now concludes that the actual needling of P-6 does in fact have a reaction in the brain. Clinically we use this point to treat nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, motion sickness, anxiety, fear, and hypertension. I am always pleased when Sham Acupuncture is proven less effective that actually point located Acupuncture. There is a true mind body connection between Acupuncture points and there therapeutic functions in the body. It is true that we are really waiting for modern science to catch up to Acupuncture in its clinical ability to treat patience for specific ailments. This point has shown its efficacy through time and study. The greatness of this point is that you can treat yourself with Acupressure and elicit some of the same effects. Acupressure has not been shown to have the same efficacy however; it is still an effective point to massage for; Nausea related to pregnancy and motion sickness, anxiety and depression.
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